
How To Add Read more Button to Blog posts | Insert Jump Beark

Adding jump breaks to blogger posts is very easy. most new custom blogger templates comes with auto jump break widget. if you are using a basic template from blogger, you have to manually add jump breaks to your post. in this post lets learn what are the jump breaks, How we can usejump breaks, Thy they are so important and what are the advantages of adding jump breaksmanually. Jump breaks will show “Read more >>” by default. but you can change it’s text and appearance ( Font, Size, Font color and background color ) Also you can add an image for it. Read this info to learn about adding and customizing blogger jump breaks.

What are these Jump Breaks .

We use Jump breaks to add Read more button to our blogger posts.  When you have added a jump break on your blog post, it will divide your post to two parts. when you open your home page or a label page it will show your post until the Jump break and after that you will see read more text or an image. when you click on it you will see the full article on same tab.

Advantage of using Jump Breaks .

When someone open your home page they can see lots of posts with some information ( part before Jump break ). So you can atleast show 5 posts without making the page too much longer. visitor doesn’t have to scroll down to see the next post. when he see a interesting post he will click on the post title or Read more button. then it will open a new page. that means another page view. that’s good for your blog traffic and adsense. new page views means more impressions to your account. 

Add a Jump Break Manually.

if you are using a basic blogger template you don’t have auto Jump Breakwidget installed. so you have to manually add it. When you type your post keep the mouse pointer at the place which you want to add the Jump break. now click “Insert Jump Break” button on blogger tool bar. or you can go to the Edit html view and type where you want to addJump break. now save that blog post and see how is your post appears. you will see the text before the Jump break with read more text.

In our next post lets learn how to add auto Jump break widget to our blog and how to customize jump break link. you can change the Jump breaktext or you can add an image for it