
Some Family Issues That Impede Addiction Treatment In Michigan

As surprising as it may sound, the biggest hurdle seen while motivating addicted people to take up treatments that would cure their addiction is their family. The shame, the humiliation, the image in the society makes the families make them deny the addiction of their family members or their loved ones. But curing an addiction is always a group effort. The patient always looks for the support of his or her family members knowingly or sometimes unknowingly to help them get through their difficult phase. Let us look at some of the issues which have become the stumbling blocks in the addiction treatment in Michigan.
1. Ignorance:
Ignorance is a very grave issue seen today with respect to addiction treatment in Michigan. Even today, in this age of public awareness, most people in Michigan are not aware much about addiction and its various symptoms. One can also say that there are some people who also don’t want to be educated on the various addiction symptoms because they like to believe that their child or their beloved family members could never fall a prey to addiction.
That is one of the reasons that the government of Michigan has become conscious and has started awareness campaigns on a large scale so that more and more people learn and recognize the signs and symptoms of addiction at an early age. Today even the school and different companies have become vigilant and alert. The schools have rained their teachers to identify an addiction and the different ways that they can deal with them.
2. Denial:
To cure any disease it is necessary to access that the patient taking up the treatment is taking it up on its free will and not due to some peer pressure or force of the family. If the patient is not convinced of the treatment then the treatment sure is to be a failure from the start. Another dangerous statistics seen here is the denial of the family. The family either does not like to believe that such a thing could happen to their loved ones; or the family tries to cover up for the addict’s habits in the social circle or their incompetence at school or work.
3. Avoidance:
Avoidance is another harmful issue with respect to the hurdle in taking up an addiction treatment in Michigan. Some families think that if they try to confront the addict, he or she may sink further into addiction and they may lose complete control over the patient. There may also be a few who would be scared to even talk or suggest the addiction treatment and keep quiet thinking it is the best option.
4. Assumptions on the cause of addiction:
The families sometimes come up with their version of reasons for their loved ones taking up addictions. These lame assumptions are also generation with their own solutions. For example, a mother may think that her child has taken up alcoholism because the child feels lonely at home and so she would sacrifice her job and then expect the son to give up his addiction. Sometimes the family members go a step ahead and bargain with the addicted person. The family members promise some desirable incentive to the addicted person and in return ask the person to give up the addiction. However, these incomplete solutions can only come in the way of the person’s addiction treatment.
5. Controlling:
Controlling the addiction of the patient is not a new issue in relation to addiction treatment in Michigan. More often than not, the family members plead or cry to take up promises from the addicts. They even suggest that their friends or peers should try to advise and change the patients. The constant nagging has a harmful effect on the patient making them angry or irritated or sometimes even isolated.
6. Emotional issues with the patient:
This is one of the most dangerous issues in relation to addiction treatment in Michigan. When the patient is emotionally overworked, it is not just the patient that undergoes turmoil, but the issues are also not quite helpful to the other members of the family. The family members become very involved with the patient’s addiction and constantly try to watch on the patient’s habits and think of ways to cure it. This could reach to a point where the family member becomes disoriented and irritated; and sometimes develop stress-related problems of their own. This could disturb the patient’s life too. Guilt could be an emotion involved with the other members of the family. The family members might blame each other for the reason of the patient taking to drugs or alcohol.
This is the reason why most options for intervention and treatment program in Michigan have family oriented sessions.