
Some Google Drive users may be experiencing a glitch causing files to be deleted

Reports have been coming in of a potentially serious Google Drive glitch. Some users have reported that files are missing in their Google Drive folders. The cause of the issues is unknown, as is the scope, but Google is investigating the situation as these reports come from around the world.

Google has said that they were aware a sync problem was hitting some users, but couldn’t explain the missing files. However, they did say that if you find you have files missing from Google Drive, do not “Disconnect Account” from the app and make no attempts to alter any of the app’s data. You should also update your files locally and wait for Google to pinpoint the issue.

According to the Daily Mail, “The issue first came to light when a Korean Google Drive user named Yeon Joong posted on the Google Drive Help Community page. In their post, Joong explained that all their files going back to May of this year had been deleted from their Google Drive. ‘I used the drive few days ago and last morning this horrible problem happened,’ said Joong. They added that the experience was ‘very devastating and the files are very important to me.’ The problem has now been officially recognized in a response written by a Google employee named Saitej on behalf of the Google Drive team.”

Issues such as these can happen, they are not unusual. While tech has made life easier, it has also come with its set of issues. Data loss, server crashes, privacy concerns, data harvesting, and more have also made life a bit more frustrating. Hopefully, Google gets a handle on whatever is affecting its services and users.